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Job Seeker Services


Quick and easy access to jobs!

OhioMeansJobs-Morrow County offers a weekly listing of available jobs in the area.  The Job List is available every Monday after 11:00 a.m.  Stop in to get yours today!

For a more extensive listing of jobs, visit  

Create an account for yourself and search thousands of job openings using Ohio’s electronic state-wide job match system.  This website is designed to simplify your job search and provide tools and resources to sharpen your employment skills. If you see a job that interests you, read the employer contact information at the bottom of each job page for referral instructions.

OhioMeansJobs One-Stop Center offers a wealth of employment resources!

One-stop services include free access to computers, internet, fax machines, telephones, workshops and much more for job seekers. Customers have access to agency partners to assist with all your employment needs by offering programs such as:

  • Job readiness programs
  • Career exploration
  • Resume workshops
  • Basic computer skills workshop
  • Unemployment/Reemployment services
  • Veteran services
  • Public assistance
  • Transportation
  • Training and education

Are you in need of a resume`?  Are you looking to improve your current resume`?  If so, please bring a completed resume' form to our office and one of our skilled workers will prepare your resume'.  Please allow our office 3-5 business days to complete this request.

Do you need copies of your current resume`?  If so, stop by our office to utilize our copy machine free of charge.

Download the Resume` Form

Job List

Employment Application
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